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It Begins: What Life is Like During Your First Month with Dentures

April 8, 2024

man smiling in the dentist’s chair with dentures

If you have been without a full set of teeth for some time, the reality of receiving customized dentures can feel exciting and also a bit overwhelming. The good news is that your dentist will be by your side to ensure everything fits comfortably and looks completely natural. But what should you expect during the first month of living with your new smile? If you want to avoid feelings of uncertainty when returning home, read on to discover what life will be like with these custom-made prosthetics.

Initial Discomfort is Normal

While you may not realize it, your mouth will need to adjust to wearing dentures. These custom prosthetics, whether they are to replace an upper or lower row of teeth, will feel different inside your mouth for a few days or weeks.

As a result, you can expect there to be some minor discomfort. As you get used to wearing your dentures, the pressure placed on your gums and bone may not feel good in the beginning. However, with an over-the-counter pain reliever and time, this will dissipate, allowing your dentures to become more comfortable to wear.

Eating Will Be Tricky at First

Dentures only restore a small percentage of your bite force, so immediately trying to eat dense, solid foods will likely prove difficult if not impossible initially.

Instead, start with soft foods, like yogurt, mashed potatoes, soup, oatmeal, etc. These will allow you to get the nutrients you need while you practice eating certain foods. Once you begin to incorporate more solid foods into your diet, you’ll need to make sure you are biting down so that your dentures remain even instead of slipping or falling out.

If you’re fearful of embarrassment while out with others, add a bit of denture adhesive to help hold them in place.

A few helpful tips to remember include:

  • Never bite with your front teeth
  • Take small bites
  • Avoid sticky, hard, and crunchy foods if at all possible

Your Dentures Need to Be Cleaned

You’ll be instructed to wear your dentures for a full 24 hours after initially receiving them. However, after that, you’ll want to remove them before going to bed. The reason is that your gums and jawbone will need time to heal.

They receive the bulk of the pressure throughout the day, so while asleep, they can freely absorb the necessary nutrients that are required for them to thrive. Also, not wearing your dentures at night will allow them to soak thoroughly, removing bacteria and harmful particles accumulated during the daytime.

When cleaning your teeth and gums, make sure that you brush and floss like normal before reinserting your dentures. They, too, will need proper cleaning to not only rinse off denture cleaner but also remove any remaining bacteria.

You May Speak with a Slight Lisp

Your lips, gums, cheeks, tongue, and other oral structures need time to adjust to your new dentures. As a result, you may find that you struggle to speak clearly. Slurring your words or developing a slight lisp is normal, but don’t worry, as it won’t last forever.

Practicing reading in front of a mirror and slowing down your speech can help you to say certain words, sounds, and phrases that may prove difficult at first. Over time, you’ll notice that your lisp dissipates, allowing you to speak normally and without concern.

Wearing dentures can be an exciting venture, but being prepared for what life will be like is important. By acknowledging these expected changes and hurdles, you can more readily adjust once your new dentures are in place.

About the Practice
Westgate Dental Care is a practice that is devoted to helping patients feel better about their oral and overall health. When missing teeth keep a person from eating, speaking, and smiling with ease, we can offer customized dentures. Designed with the highest-quality materials, our team will deliver detailed instructions and suggestions to help navigate the initial aftercare and adjustment phase of wearing these prosthetics. If you need help to prepare for life with dentures, visit our website or call us at (847) 908-3684.