When hear the term “oral health,” there’s a good chance you immediately think of your teeth and gums. However, other parts of the mouth require careful attention as well, one of which is your lips. These sensitive tissues play a vital role in the well-being of your smile, which is why it’s important to learn how to protect your lips using these three helpful tips.
Tip #1: Apply Lip Protection
It’s easy to forget about your lips when enjoying the summer sun. Unfortunately, failing to apply sunscreen to them can lead to sunburn, blisters, and swelling. While the discomfort should last no more than a week, you’ll be required to remain diligent in properly caring for your painful lips.
Wearing proper lip protection usually means looking for an SPF 15 or 30 balm that you can apply before spending time in the sun. These help to block 93-97% of UVB rays – those that are known to damage the outer layer of the skin.
Tip #2: Drink Lots of Water
Staying hydrated is essential during the summer. With temperatures increasing, your body requires more water to avoid becoming dehydrated. Not only can this negatively affect your overall health, but your mouth can become dry, including your lips.
The more water you drink, the greater the chances that your lips will remain moist instead of becoming flaky, chapped, or dry. You can also make sure to keep them moisturized with lip balm, applying it after eating and/or drinking.
Tip #3: Minimize Your Exposure
While you may find yourself surrounded by others who enjoy spending all day by the pool or at the beach, it’s important that you minimize your exposure, especially during peak hours (i.e., 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.). This is typically when it is the hottest, resulting in more damaging UVB rays.
If you find yourself spending the majority of your time outside, make sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face and lips from sun exposure. Also, find a shaded area where you can take a break from the heat and rehydrate.
It’s important to consider the well-being of your lips just as much as you do your teeth and gums. Doing so will ensure they remain healthy, moist, and free of damage over time.
About the Practice
Westgate Dental Care cares about the health of our patients, and it is why our team of dental experts is here to provide helpful tips when it comes to staying safe during the summer. Because the sun is known to be harmful in many ways, we can provide individuals with effective solutions to protect their teeth, lips, and gums while having fun on the beach or by the pool. If you would like to make sure you’re doing everything you can to better maintain your smile, visit our website or call us at (847) 908-3684.