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May 24, 2024

an older woman with dental implants

Dental implants offer many great benefits. Millions of people appreciate what they can offer, such as a long lifespan and the ability to eat foods of all types. However, if you are preparing to receive your own permanent prosthetics, you may be more focused on what they’ll do for your overall appearance. Keep reading to discover how beneficial dental implants can be when it comes to creating the youthful look you desire.


May 10, 2024

pregnant woman

Before the arrival of a new baby, pregnancy can cause a woman to undergo many unique changes. From hormonal fluctuations to physical growth and more, it is the job of healthcare professionals to make sure everyone remains healthy throughout these nine months. But what happens if the mother needs dental care? Is it safe to proceed even if local anesthesia is involved? Read on to find out what dentists will recommend when taking care of a pregnant woman’s smile.


May 2, 2024

young boy flossing

Helping your child adopt good oral hygiene habits at an early age is crucial. It sets them up for success and instills the importance of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. However, while brushing may not be an issue, getting them to floss the right way can be tricky. To help you navigate this process, a local dentist is here to discuss why cleaning between teeth is essential as well as ways to make flossing an easier and more enjoyable habit.
